Dental fees and dental surgery

Dental surgery in France
Dental fees and reimbursement of dental treatments

As of 1 June 2014, the ‘nomenclature générale des actesprofessionnels’ has been replace by the classification known as CCAM – Classification Commune des ActesMédicaux [Medical classification for clinical procedures].
Your dental surgeon is obliged to apply this classification and list the existing codes for each treatment, even if the procedures are not reimbursed (NR).


Dental surgeons provide several types of treatments: statutory procedures & non-refundable procedures.


1 – The ‘statutory’ procedures are procedures listed in the State health insurance’s classification of common dental treatments, such as scraping & polishing, fillings, etc. The State health insurance will refund 70% of the statutory fee and 80% for patients eligible for either the Fondsspécialvieillesse – FSV or the Allocation de solidarité pour les personnesâgées -ASPA (both low income state pension scheme’s for senior citizens).If you have taken out top-up health insurance plan (‘mutuelle’, in French), this will top up the remaining 30%.


2 – Non-refundable procedures (periodontal surgery, dental implants): the State health insurance does not cover these procedures.  Your top-up health insurance may reimburse a part of this fee, depending on your policy.


Some procedures are subject to ‘unrestricted fees’, which are set by the dentist.  Certain procedures (inlays, prostheses, surgery) require the use of more complicated technology or materials.  Since the statutory fee is very low, the patient must pay the rest of the cost.  Please contact your top-up health insurance provider, as it may (partially or fully) cover these fees.


For any additional information, visit the ameli site.


Finally, there is the State health insurance’s prevention programme: M’T dents. Children are entitled to a free dental check up on the eve of their 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th birthdays.

One month before their birthday, you will receive an invitation to make an appointment with the dentist of your choice. This check-up must take place within six months of their birthday or during that year, if they have already visited the dentist.

To learn all about this programme, please visit